Selecting “Worksheets”

When you open a “Workbook”, you always have three “Worksheets” by default.

To move from one “Worksheet” to the other, we click on the tab of the “Worksheet” that you want to see.

When we have added multiple “Worksheets” or if we have given a long name for our “Worksheets” , we will not all be able to see them all or completely.

When this happens, we have the “First”, “Previous”, “Next” or “Last” buttons to go from one Worksheet to another.

We can also right click on these buttons, then see a list of all “Worksheets” from which we can make our choice.

Selecting multiple “Worksheets”

When we select multiple “Worksheets” and make changes to any of the “Worksheets” , these changes effect in all selected “Worksheets”.

We can select multiple adjacent sheets by clicking on the first, holding down “Shift” key and clicking our last “Worksheet” that we want to select.

We can select multiple adjacent sheets by clicking on the first, holding down “Shift” key and clicking our last “Worksheet” that we want to select.

To “de-select” a “Worksheet” that was selected, click on it.

If we have selected all the “Worksheets”, we can “de-select” them by clicking on the tab displayed with the text not in “Bold”.

Adding and deleting “Worksheets”

There will come a time when we would want to “Add” or “Delete” “Worksheets” in a “Workbook”.

To “Add” a “Worksheet”, we first select the worksheet (the number of “Worksheets” that you select is the number of sheets that you add), and click “Insert” and select “Worksheet” from the menu bar.

If you want insert two “Worksheets”, you select two “Worksheets”.

The new sheets will be positioned left in the “Worksheet” with “Bold” text.

To delete “Worksheets”, right click on the “Worksheet” or “Worksheets” that you want to delete and choose “Delete” from the popup window.

Rename “Worksheets”

Standard “Worksheets” are named “Sheet1” “Sheet2” “Sheet3” etc.

We can change these names by simply double clicking on the name of the worksheet,

and typing the name we desire.

We can use almost all characters in the name, including spaces.

Once the name is typed we click the “Enter” key on our keyboard.

Color a “Worksheet” tab (for Excel XP and 2003)

In Excel 2003 and XP, we can change the color of the tabs to a different color.

To do this we right click on the tab of the “Worksheet” and choose “Tab Color” from the popup menu.

In the “Format Tab Color” dialog box that appears we choose the color we want.

When we finished, we click on OK.

To remove a color, we repeat the process, but choose “No Color” at the top of the dropdown menu.

Switch to “Full Screen” image

When we have extra large “Worksheets”, it can be useful to see the “Worksheet” on the whole screen.

One possibility to do this is to switch to “Full Screen” mode.

This removes visibility of all toolbars for us.

To switch to “Full Screen” mode, click on “View” and select ” Full Screen” in our menu bar.

To switch back to the normal image, we repeat these same steps.

The screen split

Excel provides us with a useful tool to extract and view information from large and / or long worksheets.

There is a possibility in Excel, to split a window into several smaller windows.

Each window will then have its own scroll bars, both horizontally and vertically, to the see information from our “Worksheet” and work with different sections.

For example, we can split a long worksheet so that the headers with the titles still remain, as we scroll down to the rest of our data.

To split a window into two, we select the entire row or column where the title is located.

(The split of the window can be done above , or to the left of the selected row or column)

We choose “Split” from the “Window” menu bar.

We can remove the split by again clicking “Window” in the menubar and select ‘Remove” Split from the submenu.

Or simply double-clicking.

“Freeze” Windows

Another way of splitting sheets is to “Freeze” the windows.

This is almost the same as above but the only difference is that a frozen window has no scroll bars.

To “Freeze”, we select the row or column on the right side of the column you want to freeze.

Then we click on “Window” in the Menu bar and select “Freeze Panes”.

The information in the “Freeze Panes” will not change when scrolling.

This is useful to see “Headers” and row titles continuously.

We can also “Freeze” both (column header and row header) by selecting cells in place of a column or row.

We can also remove the split by clicking on “Window” from the menu bar and selecting “Unfreeze Panes”.

Copying and moving full sheets

We also have the ability to copy an entire “Worksheet” in our “Workbook”.

To copy all “Worksheets” we hold the “Ctrl” key on our keyboard pressed and drag the tab of the “Worksheet” that we want to copy to the left or right, and click the mouse at the place where we want to copy the worksheet.

When we do that our mouse pointer changes the sheet with a ‘+’ sign.

We can also move our “Worksheets” to the left or right, to organise our “Worksheets” well.

To do this we click and drag the tab or tabs to the desired position.

Cut, copy, paste data to another worksheet

Your can cut, copy, and paste data in a worksheet or another worksheet.

Select the cell (s) and clik the “Copy” button or the “Cut” button in the ” Standard toolbar”

Select the cell where you want to place the data and click the “Paste” button .

Printing multiple “Worksheets”

We can save time by using multiple “Worksheets” in same “Workbook” to print them all together by clicking on the “File” menu in the toolbar, and choose the “Print” button.

This opens the “Print” dialog box:

Be sure to see that “Active Sheet (s)” is selected. You may also choose some other options, and click OK.

How to “Hide”

We can hide “Worksheets” by selecting the “Worksheet”, and then click on “Format” – “Sheet” – “Hide” in our toolbar.

To rollback this action, we do exactly the same way but now we choose “Unhide”.

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