Sorting Data

In Excel we can sort on any “Field” that is available.

Excel can “Sort” alphabetically and numerically, both “Descending” (ZA, 10-1) and “Ascending” (AZ, 1-10).

By default, the “Sort” is from top to bottom (columns) but, we can also “Sort” from left to right (rows).

We can “Sort” a single column or multiple columns (maximum 3).

When we “Sort” data, we must specify which”Fields” we want to “Sort” and how we want to “Sort”.
To “sort” just a single column, we select a cell first and click on the “Descending” order button  or “Ascending” order

button  in the “Standard menubar”.

When we want to select multiple columns, we place our cursor in the column and click “Data” in the menu bar and select “Sort”.

This opens the “Sort”: dialog.

Excel tries to “Sort” out the labels from the column headers.

When we have a list without column headers and we want to “Sort” this, we select the “No header row” box at the bottom of the dialog.

Excel will then “Sort” by column letter which can be changed in the “Sort by” box if required.

Similarly when we have column headers in the first box, we select the primary “Sort” criterion on the column we want to “Sort” and choose “Descending” or “Ascending”.

In the second box “Then by” we choose the second criterion by which we want to “Sort” and select “Descending” or “Ascending”.

And in the third box, if we still want, we can give the third criterion.

When we are ready we click on OK.

If we have made some mistakes, we can always click the “Undo” button in the “Standard toolbar” even immediately after doing the “Sort”.

“Sort’ by “Custom list”

It can sometimes be useful to “Sort” our listings on something other than alphabetical or numerical order.
This is the first (primary) box.

A typical example of chronological sorting is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.

In Excel, we can compose our own “Sort” lists.

Once such a “List” is created, we can use it in any “Worksheet” in Excel.

To create a “Custom list”, we select our “List” in a row in Excel.

Then we click and drag over the entire “List”.

Then we click on “Tools” from the menu bar, choose “Options …” which opens the “Options” dialog box.

Click the “Custom List” tab.

In this tab we see the “Range” that is selected in our “Worksheet”, in the “Import list from cells”, at the bottom of the dialog.

Click the “Import” button to “Import” the data of the selected fields to the “List entries” box.

The “List” also appears in the “Custom Lists”, possibly for later use.

We click OK to confirm.

We can also remove “Lists” through the “List” box by selecting the “Custom Lists” and clicking on the “Delete” button.

For now this “Custom list” can be used to “Sort” our “List”.

Choose “Data” from the menubar and select “Sort”.

In the “Sort” dialog box we first give the “Field” in which we want to “Sort”, in the primary box.

Then click on the “Options”.

From the dropdown menu of the top box we choose our “List” that we just created.

Click OK in the “Sort Options” dialog.

Then click OK in the “Sort” dialog box.

“Sort options”

In Excel, we “Sort” from left to right.

This can not happen in an Excel 2003 “List”, without first converting it to a normal “Range”.
To do this, we first click on “Data” in the menu bar, choose “List” and select “Convert to Range”.
Click ‘Yes’ to convert it.

Now, to sort from left to right, we select a cell in the “Worksheet”.

We click on “Data” in the menubar and select “Sort”.

In the “Sort” click the “Options” button in the lower left corner.

If we want to “Sort” a “Custom list”, we use the dropdown menu to select the “List”.

In the “Sort Options” dialog box, choose “Sort left to right”.

And click OK.

Then we select the row number in the “Sort” dialog box in which we want to “Sort”, and click OK.

You've completed Lesson 25