The use of …

We may automatically insert “Bullets” and “Numbering” in our “Document”, by selecting the text and click the “Numbering” or “Bullets” button in the “Formatting toolbar”.
We can also manually add “Bullets” by an asterisk (*) characters plus a space, when we type the first line of text.
Press “Enter” key on the keyboard and change the asterisk (*) in a bulleting list.
The next line it automatically provides with a bullet character.
If you want to stop the “Bullets”, press the “Enter” key again, or press the “Backspace” key.
Pressing the “Enter” key inserts a blank row but, pressing the “Backspace” key does not.

We can also insert “Numbering” manually .
To do this we type a number first, followed by a period and space.
The rest is the same as for the “Bullets”.

What I think the most common way is, to let the “Word” do the “Bullets” or “Numbering” for us.
For this we first type our text, and then we click the “Numbering” or “Bullets” button in the “Formatting toolbar”.

Changing …

To display the “Bullets” or change to “Numbering”, click “Format” (“Format”) – “Bullets and Numbering” (“Bullets and Numbering”) in the menu bar.
This opens the dialog box:
In the dialog we have four tabs:

  1. “Bulleted”
  2. “Numbered”
  3. “Outline Numbered”
  4. “List Styles”

Choose from the various options, and click OK.

To set “Numbering” for multiple levels, we select the line (s) listed in the text, and click on the “Increase Indent”.

You've completed Lesson 14