Dreamweaver - CS3

Lesson 45: Behaviors

45/58 Lessons 

The Popup Message behavior

With Dreamweaver, we have a number of built “behaviors”.

For each link in our document, we can associate such a “behavior”.

I will discuss the most used “Behaviors”.
The first had I already discussed in Lesson 43 “Validate Form”.
The next, the “Pop-up message” ” behavior”.

A pop-up message can be useful when you want to give a warning to the user of your site that you’re not responsible for the content of another site to which you have created a link on your site.

Select the link in your page where you want to make a pop-up message.

Select the Tags pane and select the “Behaviors” tab.

From the drop-down menu that appears, choose
“Pop-up message.”

In the window that appears, type the message and click the OK button

When we view the page in the browser and we click the link, the alert window will appear before the link is executed.
Simple, is it not?

The “Open Browser Window behavior”

Well actually, all these different JavaScript behaviora are simple.
The next thing I will discuss is the “Open Browser Window” behavior.

So we start by selecting the link, Select the Tags panel, select the “Behaviors” tab. And choose “Open Browser Window” from the drop-down menu.
In the upper section of the dialog box that appears, type or browse to the page to be opened.
And below we have the width and height of the window.
Plus some features you can select or de-select.
For example, if you do not want the visitor to change the size of the window, then check the “Resize handles” so that it is not selected.
Click the OK button when you’re done.

You could possibly use this when you want to view a picture in your document in a new larger window.
If you wish to have more, click the “Get More behavior” button in the drop-down menu of the “Behaviors” tab .
This brings you to the Adobe Exchange page where you can download a plethora of behaviors, some are free and others with a charge.

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