Mail Merge (2)

After you do this, the ” Mail Merge Contacts” window opens.  In the “Contacts” section you can select either “All contacts in current view”, or “Only selected contacts”, depending on your need. In this example, I have only four contacts, so I select the “All contacts in current view” option.  In the “Fields to Merge” section you can choose whether you want to include all fields or just the fields from the current view.

Unless you have entered only the name and address of all contacts, select the second option.

Therefore, the columns are either added or removed.

If you have a file that you want to merge, select the “New Document” option in the next section. Otherwise select the “Existing document” option, and click “Browse”.

I now select the “Mailing labels” option in the “Document type” list and the “New document” option in the “Merge to” list.
If you want to print or send an email then you will obviously choose this option from the drop-down menu.
Click on the “OK” button.

This will open “Microsoft Word”, and a warning is displayed.
You can now click “OK”.


This opens another window where you’ll find the “Setup” button.


If you click the “Setup” button, another dialog box is opened.  In this dialog box you need to select the options that are required to format the labels.  I do not know what labels you’ve got so you will have to determine these settings for youself. After doing this, click “OK”.


This brings us back to the “Word” document.
Click the “Address Block” button.


This opens up a dialog box, where we need to specify the address elements.
The application cannot seem to find the postal address, so we need some help here.
Just click the “Match Fields” button.


This opens the “Fields” window. The “Company” field is found so we need not worry about it.  The field “Address 1” is not found, so we select the “Office location” option from the drop down menu.

All we need to do now is to click “OK”.


We will continue in the next lesson

You've completed Lesson 17