External link

And finally, in the “Menus” section, I’m going to show you how to add an external link.
I’ll add it to the main menu, so I open the “Menu Item Manager” window from the “Main menu”.

If you do not know how this window opens, click the “Menus” tab in the menu bar, and select “Main Menu” from the drop-down menu.
Click the “New” button.

In the “Menu Item: [New]” window, click “External link” (1).
This opens the “External link”.
Here, you can give a title for the link (2), enter its complete address (3), and decide how you want to open this link (4). By “how”, I mean that whether in the same window or in a new window.
Click the “Save” button.


Adding space separators:

In this section, I will insert a dividing line between internal links and external links.

To do this, we click the “New” button, in the “Menu Item Manager” window, again.

Select “Separator” in the “Menu Item: [New]”.
This opens the “External link” window again.
The only thing we enter is a number of dashes in the “Title” text box. This will display a line between the internal and external links in the menu.
Click the “Save” button.

What you now have to do is change the order of the divider and the external link so that the dividing line for this link is placed there.

When we view the menu in the frontend, we see that the external link is neatly positioned under the divider.


You've completed Lesson 21