Send message

If you want to send an e-mail from the Inbox folder, click the “New” button in the standard toolbar. Or just click on the Ctrl N on your keyboard in the inbox folder.
If you want to send an e-mail from another folder, click the arrow pointing downward, next to New, and select “email”.


This opens a new “message window”:
In the “To:”, we type the email address of the person to whom we want to send the mail.
In the “CC …”, we enter a different email address, to whom we want to send the message.
We use the “Bcc …” when we want to prevent recipients of your message from gathering the email addresses of everyone.
If BCC is not visible, click the arrow next to “Options” and choose “BCC”.
In the “Subject”, we type the subject of our mail.
And below, in the main text, we type our letter.
Click “Submit” when we finish the letter.


Select recipients

When a new “message window” opens, we see three boxes in which the e-mail addresses can be entered, “To:”, “CC …”, and “Bcc …” .
Now we can enter the email address manually, or we can use the Contact list, which makes everything much easier.
Click on “On …”, for the first box.
Our list of the various contacts, even the groups, appears.
Select a contact or group, and click the button To->, Cc-> or Bcc.


Click OK when you’re done.
All fields are automatically populated:


Enter a subject, type your letter, and then click Send.


Like Microsoft Word, Outlook can also check the spelling.
You can see this in the lesson 4 of Word 2003 course.
To do a quick spelling check, click the F7 button on your keyboard.


Message Options

By clicking on the “Options” button, we open the “Message Options” dialog.
In the dialog, we find four sections:

  1. Message settings
    In the “message settings” section, we set the importance (Low, Medium or High) and sensitivity (Normal, Personal, Private, or Confidential) by clicking on the arrows next to the box.
  2. Security
    In the “Security” section, set a number of security options.
  3. Options for Tracking
    In the section “Options for Tracking”, we can tick three boxes, the bottom two seem clear to me, the top can be used when you want to add buttons in the message, which recipients can click for tracking.
  4. Delivery Options
    In the section “delivery options” we can enter a number of settings, which seem to me pretty clear.

Feel free to try all these different settings by sending an e-mail to yourself.


Format messages

To determine the standard format of our e-mails, we click “Tools” – “Options” in the menu bar.
This opens the “Options” dialog.
In this dialog we have so many options, so read through them all.
Keep in mind that the options you set here, should be applied .
So if you want to change this after a while, you must return to this dialog.


One can also format messages in Outlook the same way as in Microsoft Word, using the formatting toolbar.
This form of presentation is applicable only to the e-mail you are sending at that time.
In lesson 5 of Word 2003 course, you can change the formatting of text using the Format toolbar.

Replying to Messages

You can reply to a message by selecting the message in the Inbox folder, and click the “Reply” button in the standard toolbar.


This opens the “Message”, with its sender email address in the “To:” The word RE and the original subject in the subject box, and the text that was sent in the text box.

You can also choose to “Reply All” in the standard toolbar, this will send the message to the sender and all recipients of the message.

Forwarding Messages

When we forward a message, we actually send a copy of the message.
Click on the “Forward” button in the standard toolbar.
This opens the “Message”, where we type the email address of the person to whom we want to forward the message .
Possibly you can add some text, or change it.
Click the “send” button when you are satisfied.

Opening and Enclosing Attachments

Sometimes people need to send a file with the message that is created.
For example, an invoice that you created in Adobe Acrobat.
We send this file along with our message as an attachment.
To send an attachment to our e-mail, click the “Insert File” button.


Or you choose “Insert” – “File” in the menu bar of the “message window”

Navigate to the file in the dialog that opens, select it and click OK.
Once you have pressed OK, the file appears in its own box (enclosed ..) that has now been added in the “message box”.


Type your message in the text box and click the “Send” button.

Opening Attachments.
I can only advise, NEVER open attachments from people you do not know.
Attachments can contain viruses that are harmful to your computer.
If you receive an attachment from a person you do know, first scan the file for viruses, such as Norton Antivirus or similar programs.

When you are 200% sure that the attachment does not contain viruses, you can double-click to open, or right-click and choose save.

You've completed Lesson 5