Filter options above the filmstrip

By filtering photos in Lightroom, we can quite easily find the pictures that we need.
One way to filter images is by making use of the filter bar above the film strip.
I’ll quickly go through this once.
The first set of filter options is to filter by flag classification (1).
The second set of filters is to filter by star rating (2).
Here we have the ability to filter out the same number of stars than those chosen in the filter bar, greater than or equal to the number of stars and less than or equal to the number of stars.
Just click the icon for the stars in the filter bar (a) and make your choice from the drop-down menu.
And the third set of filters is based on the color assigned to the photograph (3).
If a filter is applied, it is listed in the right side of the filter bar (4).
If you wish to remove all filters, click the double arrow next to this box and select “Filters off”.
Still looking for information?
If you do not see some of these different filter options, just click on the word “Filter” in the filter bar.
This menu will unfold.

Library Filter

Topping the library view, we find the library filter with different filter options. I had already talked about these in Lesson 7.
All the filter options are here, but you need to try them out.

If you are satisfied with your filter settings, you can save this selection of photos in a collection.

Save Filter

If you wish to later use the same filter settings, you can save the filter settings.
For example.
I have filtered the images below for red and yellow classification of photos.
Now, it is not time consuming to set filter on two colors, but when you have filters on some keywords and other filter settings, it is useful if you can save these filter settings.
Just click the double arrow next to the “Custom Filter” and choose “Save Current Settings as New Preset”.
In the dialog you specify an appropriate name for the composite filter and click the “Create” button.
The next time you open the pop-up menu, you see that the newly created filter is added to the list.

Sort photos

Another way to organize our photographs a little, is through the “Sort”.
If you do not see this option (1) in the toolbox, then click the arrow pointing down (2) and select “Sorting” (3) in the pop-up menu.
You have the ability to sort by different criteria.
Just click the double arrow (4) and choose the criteria on which you wish to sort.

You've completed Lesson 11