Crop Photo

To crop a picture, we have several possibilities.
Prerequisite to crop a photo is that you select the “Develop” module (1).
Second requirement is the “Crop Overlay” button (2).
In the “Crop” mode, click and drag to the corner markings or side-markings, until you’ve reached the desired part.
Place the mouse pointer in the crop window and click and drag the photo to its proper place in the window.
When you are ready, click the Enter key on your keyboard or click the “Done” button.
If you want to start again, click the “Reset” button.
A second way is by selecting the “Crop Frame” (1) and clicking and dragging over the area you wish to keep (2).
It is also possible to cut a picture to a preset dimension.
Just click the double arrow and make a choice from the list.
Choose “Enter Custom”, you can enter a word yourself.
The value you enter in the dialog box that appears, will be added to the list.
If you wish to maintain the original dimensions of the photo while cropping a photo, then click the lock icon.
Click and drag over to the corner, or the side handles, the dimensions of the image are preserved.
Any kind of crop can be undone until you chose to export the photo.

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