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Lesson 17: Push/Pull tool (2)

Just divide

When a plan divides our cube into several areas, no matter at what level, with a “Line” tool or “Circle” tool, such as in the figure below (1), we can push or pull (2 ) each one separately.


If you wish to align a second plane at the same height with another plane, then click the Push / Pull tool, first select the plane which you wish to move, move the cursor along the already extended plane, and when the text “On face” (1) appears, click again.
This will automatically align the two planes at the same distance (2).

The two surfaces you want to align need not be in the same figure, this can also be done on two completely separate figures.

Tip 1:

When you have pushed or pulled something that you do not want to, you can also use the above method so that both figures are aligned in position again.
For example, you have pulled the circle in your cube and you want revert this change. Then first click the Push / Pull tool on the circle, move the mouse pointer over the face of the cube, until you see the text “on face”.

Tip 2:

If you have pulled out or pushed in a figure, and you want to bring the second figure also to the same level, just double-click on this second figure with push / pull tool.
SketchUp remembers from the last clicked Push / Pull command.


Figure by pushing

To push a plane inside the cube, in this case the circle, first click the circle (1), move the mouse pointer as it were by the cube, and click again when the desired distance is reached ( 2).


If you want make a hole in the figure, in this case a circle, first click the circle, move the mouse pointer to the center or end of the rear end of the cube, and click again.
The result is a beautiful hole.

If you are unable to select at the center, or rear end of the box, in this case the circle, select your first push beyond the last cell of the cube (2), so that it pierces.
You can select the “Rotate” tool and rotate the image, so you can see the rear surface. Select the “Push / Pull” tool, click it to push the plane, that is  the circle, move the mouse over the rear face of the cube, and when the text “On face” is shown, click it again (3) .



When working with hot keys or, for those who have a third mouse button or a scroll wheel that serves as a third button.
When you click you can quickly switch from one tool to another.
If you don’t have them yet, you can still get the keys O for Orbit (“Orbit”), P for Push / Pull (Push / Pull).


In both cases you do not first have to click on the circle pushed with the “push / pull” tool, but when you switch between two tools, “stick” to your mouse and you only need to move the mouse pointer across the plane.
And click when “on face” appears.

You've completed Lesson 17