Google - SketchUp

Lesson 35: Groups (2)

Copy Group

To copy a group, hold the Ctrl key on your keyboard while you move the group with the “Move” tool.
As you can see in the below image of the house, I also created a group first.
I select the “Move” tool.
Hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard and drag the group, in this case the house, to anywhere in the drawing area.
You can repeat this as many times as you want.

First make a copy of the house and then the garage, and create a group from the two groups.

This is not necessary, but it is easier to manipulate them later, for example, rotation, push & pull, etc.

In order to create a group of two or more groups, select all groups and right-click it and choose “Create Group” in the drop-down window.

In this way, we can quickly make a whole street of same houses. Everyone has the same house, and this is not so useful, especially when you come home after a drink. Then it is possible that you end up in someone else’s house.

But even here, Google thought of this, and they have given us the opportunity to edit a group.


Edit Group

When you have made several copies of a group, you have the option to edit the original or a copy.
There are two ways to edit.
One way to edit the group is to right click and choose “Edit group” in the drop-down menu.
If you have a group in a group, you must repeat this action several times.
As soon as a black dotted border around the group is displayed, this means that the group is open, and the various components of this group can be edited.

As you notice in the picture below I have the roof that I increased with the “Scale” tool, and I created one window from three windows.

Once all changes are made, click outside the black dotted part of the group.
This will close the group again.


To ungroup a group, right click the group, and select “Explode” (Explode) in the drop-down menu.



You've completed Lesson 35