Google - SketchUp

Lesson 44: Section plane

Cut your drawing in half

The “Section Plane” tool allows us to cut away certain parts of our drawing.
This cuts only visually, when you remove the section plane, you see the entire drawing again.
We can use “Section Plane” tool to edit or create a presentation of our drawing.

When you select this tool in the toolbar, and you move the mouse pointer over the drawing, you will notice that the “Section Plane” tool will orient you to the plane over which it moves. To lock the orientation of the section plane, keep the Shift key on your keyboard pressed.


Click where you want to place the section plane.
Use the “Move” tool to move the section plane in the drawing.
Just click the edge of the section plane, move the mouse pointer and click again when you’ve reached the desired position for the section plane.

If you want to rotate the section plane, select the “Rotate” tool in the tool bar.
Then select the section plane and select the last “Rotate” tool.
Click to determine the pivot point, click again to determine the width of rotation, and move your mouse pointer.

You have the option to place multiple section planes in your drawing.
But only one active cross-sectional plane.
To switch between the different section planes, select the selection tool and click the section plane of your choice.
To remove a section plance from the drawing, select the eraser tool, and click on the edge of the section plane.

When we right click on the edge of the section plane, we have a menu with a list of options.
The “Reverse” option shows the opposite side of the figure.
The “Create Group from slice” option will create a group of edges in the drawing where it is cut.
The “Align View” option will display the cross-section right aligned with the drawing area.


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