Google - SketchUp

Lesson 37: Components (2)

Copying a Component, Group, or Object

Copying a component, a group, or an object, can be a done in number of ways.
The first thing you always have to do is select the object, which seems to be quite logical.
To copy this object we can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C – Ctrl + V. This pastes a copy of the copied object to the cursor. Click the left mouse button to position the object.

There is a second way, here too first select the object.
Click the “Move” tool option in the toolbar.
The original single click while holding the Ctrl key on your keyboard. Move your mouse pointer and click for a second time when reached the position for the copy.
After the second click type in a number followed by the letter x, it will be copied x-times, each distributed over the same distance equal to the first copy.


Component alignment and equal division

The problem that may occur in the above example, is that they are not distributed at the same distance  over a certain plane.
We use a different method.
To begin, we draw a number of guidelines with the “Measure Tape”.
The first line that I draw is the baseline that all windows must align horizontally.
I click, with the “Measure Tape” selected, on the lower edge of the top floor, enter 120 and press the Enter key on keyboard.
This places the guideline, and later the windows, 120cm from the floor.

Then I align the window on this guideline.
I click and drag the lower end of the component to the guideline.

The second guideline that I draw is on the left of the building.

I click this, with the ‘Measure Tape” selected, on the left edge of the building, type 30 and press the Enter key on the keyboard.
This places the guide at 30cm from the side.

Then I align the window at the intersection of the two guides.
I click above the lower left endpoint of the window so that it sticks to the mouse pointer.
I move the mouse pointer over the intersection of the guidelines.
And when the “Intersection” appears I click again.
This window will perfectly align the two guidelines.

Then I draw another guide on the right side of the building.
Of course, also 30cm from the edge.

Since all the guidelines are already there, I select the “Move” tool.
And click the extream right “end point” of the component.

Hold the Ctrl key on the keyboard pressed and move the mouse pointer over the intersection of the guidelines to the other side of the building.
When I’ve reached the intersection, I click for a second time.
This places a copy of the window on the right side of the building, against the guidelines.

I type in the number of windows that I desire, followed by the “slash mark” (/).
In this case 4 /, and click the Enter key on my keyboard.
This places four copies of the window, including the first in the wall.

All windows are now evenly distributed.


You've completed Lesson 37