Office 2007 - Access

Lesson 58: Aligning Controls

58/72 Lessons 

Aligning Controls

To give a professional appearance to the various controls which are manually added to our form, we must first properly align them.

We use the alignment buttons in the “Position” group under the ” Arrange” tab, to determine Alignment.
Select all the controls you want to align.

Use the vertical spacing and horizontal spacing buttons to adjust distance between the various controls.
First I want to adjust the spacing between the different windows.
In the above example all fields are one below the other, I need the distance between them to be the same.  I use the “vertical spacing” button.
And then click on the “Left Align” button in the “Control Alignment”.

I still want to add the “Shadow” special effect to the “Group” field. You do this by selecting the field in the form and opening the “Properties Window” menu.
Maybe add another line.
You can create as many formatting properties as you want, you just need to try them out.

Click the ” Report View” button in the “Ribbon” to see the result.

Change color control

When we set a different color to a control, we have three color options.
The background color, border color and text color.

The background color can be set by clicking on the “Font” button, under the “Design” tab in the “Ribbon”.

Do not forget to select the control.

Click the downward pointing arrow next to the “Fill/ Back color” button and make your choice from the drop-down menu.

Do the same but for the text color.

You can configure the border color with the “Line Color” which we find under the “Design” tab.

For the line widths, we use the “Line Thickness” button.

Click on the downward pointing arrow for both the options to make your choice from the drop-down menu.

All these settings can be found in the “Properties Window” and we can enter them there too.

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