Office 2007 - Access

Lesson 36: Forms Wizard

36/72 Lessons 

“Forms Wizard”

To create forms, we can also use a “Forms Wizard”.
The first thing I do is to select the table I want to make a “Form” for, in the “Navigation Pane”. In this example, the “Products” table.
Then click the “More Forms” button under the “Create” tab in the “Ribbon”.
This opens a drop-down menu with the option of “Form Wizard”.

In the upper part of the first wizard window, we determine from which table or query we want to make a “Form”.
But since I had already selected the table in the “Navigation Pane”, the “Form Wizard” already fills it in for me.
The available fields from the “Products” table are shown in the left window.
Select the field you want to add to your “Form” in the left column and click the ‘>’ button to place it in the right panel.
In this case, I want all fields from the “Products” table in my “Form”, so I click the ‘>>’ button.

Click “Next”.

In the next window of the wizard, I determine the layout of the “Form”.
We have four possibilities:

1.   “Columnar”
2 .  “Tabular”
3.   “Datasheet”
4.   “Justified”
You should try the different layouts.

For this example, I choose “Columnar” and click the “Next” button.

In the next window of the wizard, you must determine the style of the “Form”.

When you select a style from the list on the right side of the wizard window, you get to see a preview in the left of the wizard window.

Make a choice and click the “Next” button.

Do not panic, you can change this at any time.

In the next window, we give a name to our “Form”.
And we have the choice of opening the “Form” and viewing the data.
Or the option to verify the design of the “Form” needs any changes.
Since we can change the design at any time, I choose the first option.
And click the “Finish” button.
The “Form” is opened and is added to the objects in the “Navigation Panel”.

With the navigation buttons, we can navigate between the different products and with the “new (blank) record”, we can add a product.

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