Insert Tables

In Word it is possible to insert a table easily

  • Click on the “Insert Table” button in the Toolbar menu
  • This displays a table grid

  • Drag the mouse pointer across the grid until the desired number of rows and columns are selected.

Release the mouse button and then you will see a blank table with the number of our selected rows and columns.

The cursor is in the first row of the first column

  • type “1st Quarter” and press the Tab key, the cursor jumps to the next cell.
  • type “2nd Quarter” and press the Tab Key
  • type “3rd Quarter” and press the Tab Key
  • type “4th Quarter” and press the Tab Key

The cursor jumps to the first cell of the next row.

We can fill the rest of the table with numbers (do not forget to press the Tab Key to move to the next cell).
In the last cell, press the Tab Key to get a new blank row.

  • To exit ,click with the mouse pointer outside the table
  • Press “Enter” key to, jump from one cell to the same cell in the next line

The width of the columns:

  • Place your mouse pointer on the gridline between the first and the second column.

  • Drag the pointer to the left or to the right of the column to increase or decrease the width of the coloumn.

Automatic adjustment of column width.

  • Double-click on a grid line between two columns.
  • the width of the columns are adjusted automatically

Adding Columns and rows in an existing table:

Note: The column is always inserted to the left of the selected column

  • Select a column (place the mouse pointer on top of a column until it takes the form of a downward pointing arrow and click)
  • Click with the RIGHT mouse button in the selected column
  • Click on ‘Insert Columns’ from the shortcut menu

A new column is inserted

  • to deselect, click anywhere outside the cell

A column to the end of a table

  • Place your cursor right above the end-row marker after the last column.
  • Click on the  “Table” menu bar (second method to insert column)
  • Click on ‘Insert Columns’.


To add a row follow the same procedure but instead of selecting a column, select a row

To delete a column or row.

  • Select the column or row you want to delete
  • Click in the “Table” option on the menu bar
  • Click on ‘delete rows’

Table borders

You can add different types of table borders with the ‘Border Layout’.

  • Select the table
  • Choose a border style


Merging cells

We can also merge cells:

  • Select the cells you want to merge (you can do with the ‘Shift button’ pressed)
  • RIGHT click on the selected area
  • Click ‘Merge Cells’ (Merge cells)

Drawing and layout

We can also draw a table in Word

  • Click on the “Draw Table”  button , the pointer changes to a form of a pencil.
  • The Floating menu bar “Tables and Borders” immediately appears.
  • Click and drag the mouse diagonally until the desired size of the table is reached
  • Draw the table further in part with the aid of the pencil
  • Drag the pencil to draw a vertical column
  • Drag the pencil to draw a horizontal line.


  • With the eraser,  we can delete lines.
  • Click and drag over the line to erase it.
  • With the ‘Line Style’  you can use different types, thickness and color and set of edges.
  • Click the right arrow and select a line style, for the same thickness and color.
  • With the ‘Border Layout’ we have the option of whether or not to provide the table with edges
  • With the arrow beside the “Shading and Color” button we can change the color of the background of the cell (s).
  • If you wish to change the color of the text , you need to click on the “Font Color” icon in the Format Toolbar.
  • To merge cells we can use the “Merge Cells” option.
  • To a seperate a cell into several parts, we use
    the “Split Cells” option
  • In order to allign the text in the cells, we use these buttons.
  • To arrange rows and coloums evenly we press these buttons
  • This is the “Auto Layout” button
  • With the “Change Text Direction” button we can change the text direction. Keep the button pressed until you’ve reached your desired setting.
  • Using the “Sort” option we can arrange the text in ascending or descending order.
  • With the “Auto Sum” option we can easily calculate the sum of certain cells (more on the use of calculations in tables will be seen in the next section).

Calculations in a table

Word does not have all features like Excel ’97, but simple calculations can be performed.

An example:

Calculating the total of the 1st Quarter 1998:

  • place the cursor in the bottom cell of Q1
  • click on Table in the menu bar
  • click ‘Formula’

A dialog box appears automatically with a suggested formula which calculates the sum of all values in the cells above the active cell.

  • Click OK to accept the formula and return to the document.

For summations, we may be a lot faster with the ‘”Auto sum ” in the “Tables and Borders” menu bar. See section “Formatting Tables and Borders” above.


We repeat this for the total of Q2.

  • click in the cell Q2
  • click on the ‘Formula’ command in the “Table” menu.

To do this faster, we can copy the formula to other cells

  • select the cell
  • click on the Edit menu and select “Repeat Formula” (or click the shortcut Ctrl Y)

Please note: It is possible that in certain circumstances where Word imagines to calculate the sum of the numbers above formula, but you know that you need to calculate the sum of  numbers to the left of the cell, so we need to change the formula, SUM(ABOVE) to SUM(LEFT).

As you can see the numbers are arranged properly.

To settle this:

  • Select all cells containing numbers
  • Click on “Tab Stop Markers” (Left of the ruler) till the Decimal tab is visible
  • Place the decimal tab stop by clicking on the ruler in the first cell of numbers
  • Click anywhere outside the table

Now all the numbers are aligned properly:

Also, you can multiply, divide or subtract in Word

Columns are designated with letters (A, B, C, …) and rows are indicated by numerals (1, 2, 3 …), the intersection of a column
with a row is a cell, as in Excel.

In order to make an edit in Word, for example, multiply:

  • Click on the Table
  • Click ‘Formula’
  • Delete everything after the “=” sign
  • type  A1 * A2  after the “=”
  • and press “Enter”

Do the same for division (/) or subtraction (-)

By changing the value in a cell you can quickly recalculate the result by pressing the function key F9, but first select the cell or the formula.


You've completed Lesson 15