Photoshop - CS5

Lesson 85: Puppet Warp (4)

85/94 Lessons 




When you place a point too close to another point, you can sometimes get the message that you cannot add a point.

To solve this problem or to click another point in the object, click the “Density” in the options bar.
Select “More points” in the drop-down menu.

The later will increase the number of triangles in the Net, so we can add more points.
Below are the three different densities.
When the density is set to “Less points” you can lose the points that are already established.
Keep this in mind.

Another tip.
If you want to hide the various points, hold the H key on your keyboard pressed.
When you are release it, the items reappear.

Pin Depth

And finally we have the pin depth.
With this, we determine the order of the point.
An example makes this clear.
I have a hand with five fingers.
Each of these fingers has its two points.
Click and drag on to the middle finger …

it will be placed over the middle finger.
I click the “Pin Depth” with the downward pointing arrow in the options bar, then the index finger is placed under the middle finger.
Clicking on the button with the upward pointing arrow, does just the opposite, of course.

For clarity’s sake. It is the order of the point that you decide, not the finger.
This means that when a finger is sufficiently long, even a single finger can go under the other fingers or it can go over the other fingers.
You have to try things.

This is for the options of the “Puppet Warp”. In the next lesson we will look at how we can use this feature with text.

In text

Just the same can be done on text.
Make your text layer into a Smart Object.
This does not have to be, but it is always useful if you want to rotate it later.

You've completed Lesson 85