Office 2010 - Access

Lesson 23: Designing Queries

23/76 Lessons 

Query Design

Instead of using the “Query Wizard” for a “Query”, we can create a new “Query” in the “Query Design” view. To do this, first select the “Create” tab in the “Ribbon” and click the “Query Design” button.


This opens the “Query Design” dialog with the “Show Table” window. In this window, we find all the “Tables” and “Queries” that we had already made. Select the table that you want to make a “Query” for, in this case the “Staff” table in the “Show Table” and click the “Add” button.


For this first “Query” we are going to make in the “Query Design”, I want only one table.
So I click the “Close” button.

The “Staff” table was added in the upper part of the “Query” window and shows us all the fields from this table.

In the lower part of the “Query” window (the grid), we determine which fields we want to display from this table. The grid is divided into several columns, which in turn are divided into different rows. In the columns, we place the various fields of our table and in the rows, we give a criteria optionally.

Adding a field to the grid can be done in different ways. One way is to double-click in the table. The second way is to click a field in the table and drag it to the grid.

To view the results of the “Query”, click the “Run” button in the “Ribbon”.


Click the “Save” button (1) in the “Quick Access” toolbar.

Give the “Query” a name such as “Staffmembers” in the dialog and click OK.

You can now find this “Query” in the “Navigation pane” (2).


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