Office 2010 - Access

Lesson 32: Editing Action Queries

32/76 Lessons 

Append Query

An “Append Query” allows us to add a record from one table to another table. The only requirement for this is that the data types of fields you want to add to and copy from, should be the same. The field names do not matter.



I have two tables, “Products” and “Articles”. Both have two fields with data type “Text” and a field with data type “Numeric”. It does not matter if their are hundreds of other fields in the table. Add the records with the field names “Category”, “Name” and “Price” from the “Articles” table to the ” Products” table.

The first thing I do is connect the two tables. I select the “Create” tab in the “Ribbon” and click the “Query Design” button. In the “Show Table” dialog, select the table from which you want data, in this case the “Articles” table. Click the “Add” button, and click the “Close” button.

Change the “Query” type by clicking the “Append” button in the “Ribbon”. In the “Append” dialog, select the table that you want to add the records to by clicking the drop-down arrow, and selecting the table from the pop-up list, in this case, the “Products” table.

Click the OK button.


Place the fields in the “Articles” table in the grid.

Under each field in the “Append to” row, choose the field that you want to add new products to.

Click the “Save” button in the “Quick Access” toolbar.
Give the “Query” an appropriate name and click the OK button.

Click the “Run” button in the “Ribbon”. “Access” alerts you to how many rows you are appending to the table.


Click “Yes”.
Open the table where you just appended the new records.


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