Creating an auto-numbered list:

In a list, such as a name list, we may want to know how many times a particular name occurs.
To do this, we use the = COUNTA and = IF functions.

Type = IF (C4 = “”, “”, COUNTA ($ C $ 4: C4)) in cell B4 and press ENTER.
Copy the formula down, as long as the list goes, (we can copy the formula later, if the list grows even further)

= IF (C4 = “”; “”; says that If cell C4 is empty (= empty double quotes), give a Blank as the result; If cell C4 is not empty, COUNTA ($ C $ 4: C4)) indicates the number of arguments from cell $ C $ 4 to C4. (We type C4 and enter the first absolute reference, twice, see the Excel 2010 Course: Lesson 34).

When we perform a COUNTA on this list, the matches are numbered automatically.
The function = IF
The function = IF gives a certain value as a result if the specified condition is TRUE and another value if it is FALSE. You can use the IF function to test conditions for the values and formulas.

The function = COUNTA
The = COUNTA function counts the number of non-empty cells and the values in the argument list. You can use COUNTA to count the number of cells that contain data, to determine a range or an array.
You can download a sample file here.

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