Calculating with Time – Part 2

Here’s another example.
You have the morning and afternoon shifts.
Each of the staff members get a lunch break.
Since this is not the same for each staff member, I need to create separate columns and calculate this in the cell (F2) where the starting time of the afternoon shift is displayed(A).
This considers the time of completion of the morning shift along with the lunch break.
Or, as in this example, it is, D2 + E2.
To get the aggregate of both shifts, we calculate the difference per shift and add these two.
= (D2-C2) + (F2-G2)

Here’s another example.
Consider someone who is working the night shift.
In other words, the start-time is later than the normal end-hour.
The easiest way is to enter the date and the hour, both of which are separated by a space.
For example: 01.12.2010 20.00
In this way, Excel will always know the correct difference of hours.
In the example below, you see the person who started at 2000 hours and stopped at 4 o’clock, worked for eight hours.

The date and time are displayed in full, in the cell, as shown below:

You can then remove all the unnecesary stuff in the cell properties dialog box:

Excel will only display the hours and minutes (1) in the cell but, all other information will be stored.
It can be seen only in the “Formula bar” (2).

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