Generating a Time series:

Creating a schedule:
Enter a time, 6:00 for eg., in cell C2 (hours and minutes must be separated by a colon) and press “Enter”.
Type the “Formula” in cell C3 and press “Enter”.
The value of 1 day in Excel = 1, so the value of 1 hour is 1/24.
We therefore count for 1 hour with the value in cell C2.
Select cell C3 and use the fill handle (1) to copy it down till, cell C16.

If we want intervals of half an hour, we use the “Formula” = C2 +1/24/2 or C2 = 1/48.

Alternative method 1:
with the TIME function.
The function, = TIME (Hours, Minutes, Seconds), has three parameters namely, hours, minutes and seconds. Enter a time, 6:00 for eg., in cell C2 and press “Enter”..
Enter the “Formula”, = C2 + TIME (1, 0, 0), in cell C3 and press “Enter”.
We, therefore, count 1 hour, zero minutes and zero seconds, from the time of cell C2.
Select cell C3 and copy it down using the fill handle.

Alternative method 2: without the “Formula”.
Type a time eg 6:00 in cell C2 and press “Enter”.
Type 7:00 in cell C3 and press “Enter”.
Select cells C2 and C3 and copy them down using the fill handle.

The advantage of the using of a “Formula” to generate sequences, compared to the method without a “Formula” is that, when you want to adjust the time over the range, it needs to be changed only for the first time.

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