The fastest way to name ranges:

In this tip, I show you a quick, if not the fastest, way to name the cell ranges in your worksheet.

What we need are columns and/or row titles, that you want to create a range name for.

First, select the entire table with all column and row titles and the cells that you want in the different ranges.

Then use the shortcut, Shift+Ctrl+F3 on your keyboard.
In the dialog box that appears, select the row and/or column that you want to create a range name for.
In this case, the upper row which is the “Week” and the left column which is “Food”.
However, if you wish to name only a particular range of the “Food” column, select your range and click the “Left Column”.
Click the OK button.

Click on the arrow pointing downwards, next to the name text box and you will see all the range names that have been added.

When you select a range name in the “Name” text box, the whole range can be selected.
Whether it contains data or not, it does not matter.

You've completed Tip 031