Tables and formulas:

In this tip, I will show you the new way to fill formulas in tables, which has been included since the 2007 version of Excel.

When we create a table (1) and add a new title next to the right-most column in the table (2), it is automatically added as a new column in the table when you press the Enter key on your keyboard (3 ).

What is not so widely known is that, since Excel 2007, the way of entering formulas has changed. Or rather, there is a new way for entering formulas.
An example will make this clear.
In cell D2, I wish to know the profit of the first product.
The normal way of working is that, we type the following formula: = C2-B2

From Excel 2007 onwards, it can be done differently.
First select the cell where you want to place the formula and type the equals sign (=).

Then select cell C2.
This gives a formula like = [@ sales].
There is a lot of difference between this and the cell C2.

Then type the minus sign (-)

And select cell B2.
The formula that we now have is = [@ Sales] – [@ Purchases]

If you press the “Enter” key on your keyboard, the formula is automatically reflected in the rest of the records.

This is very important if your table has hundreds of records and not just 4 or 5.
Otherwise, there may be something missing when you type this.

You've completed Tip 028