Checkbox – Part 2

In the dialog box that appears, with the help of the first two options, you can select whether you want the checkbox to be checked, by default, or not (1).
Then select a cell in your workbook where you want to put this value.
In this example, I select the cell A1 of Sheet3.
Then click the Collapse (2) button in the window.
The window will be minimized but, this is not shown in the image below.
Then select the worksheet “Sheet3” (3) and then the cell A1 (4).

Then Expand (5) the window, again.
The dialog box is restored.
Then click the Ok button.

Our selection button is on.
In fact, it also works.

When you see this text in Sheet3 and you don’t like it, you can hide the column so that the text is made white. You can do whatever you want.

Then we type the text that we want displayed, next to the box in Sheet1, in Sheet2.

And finally, we add the formula in Sheet1, that determines which text appears next to the checkbox.

The function that we use is the IF function: = IF (A1 = Sheet3! TRUE, Sheet2! A1, Sheet2! A2).

I will actually explain this function quickly.

This denotes that if the cell A1 in Sheet3 is true, then display the value of cell A1 in Sheet2.
If this is this not the case or this is false, then display the value of cell A2 in Sheet2.

This works, fine.

Additional Information:

If you want to mention anything in the text box when it is not selected, then you must not delete the text in Sheet2, because then the formula in Sheet1 displays a zero.
So, then, you need to slightly modify the formula.

Then place a space between quotes, as the last argument in the formula.
eg: = IF (A1 = TRUE Sheet3!, Sheet2! A1, “”)
This gives us an empty cell.

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FYI: thinks of his students, so also think of

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