Office 2010 - PowerPoint

Lesson 41: Animating Objects (2)

41/59 Lessons 

Animation of images

The text options for a paragraph are pretty much the same as for animation on text. Obviously not only can we apply the effect on text but, we can also apply the animation to paragraphs. That is quite logical.

Thus, first select the object, in this case, the picture on the left side (1).
Then the “Add Animation” button (2) and an animation from the list.
Then we put this animation between the first two paragraphs of text (3), so the photo appears after the appearance of the text “From Zero”.
This can be done by clicking and dragging text between the “From” and “Zero” in the “Animation Pane” or by clicking the upward pointing arrow at the bottom of the “Animation Pane”.


You now have these settings.  You must set the properties for the animation and then you can make adjustments.


Once the animation is as per your liking, you can copy and paste the second photo too.  You can also drag this animation between the text “To” and “Hero” (1) .  I want that the text “Hero” shown at the same time as the second picture.


Finally, I add an animation to the text at the bottom of the slide (2).
When this slide is ready, we go forward to the next.

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