“Gaussian Blur”

All filters available in GIMP are found under the menu item “Filters” in the menu bar.
A filter can be applied to a layer or on a selection.
When we click this option, we see that the various filters are divided into different categories.
I cannot discuss them all here, but they seems quite simple. I can give you some examples.


A first example is the Gaussian blur.
I want the gentleman in this boat blurred, except his face.

How are we going to do this work?.

The first thing you do is make a selection of the face.
I use the Elliptical Marquee tool.


Then I click the “Select” button in the menu bar and select “Invert” from the drop-down menu.

This will select everything except the head of this person.

Then I click the Filters button in the menu bar, select “Blur” in the drop-down menu and click “Gaussian Blur”.

In the dialog that appears, select the “Example” checkbox (1).
This way you can always see an example in the preview window.

Set the fading-rays in the horizontal axis and the vertical axis.
If you want the fade only in one axis click the chain icon (2).

In the next lesson I will show you another example, that actually remains the same for each filter.

You've completed Lesson 34