Strip Drawing

The filter “Cartoon” is found in the “Artistic” category.
Some of these filters in this category work properly, and others do not work at all. At least that’s my opinion.

For example, there is a filter, “cartoon”.
In order to apply, click the “Filters” tab in the menu bar, select “Artistic” in the drop-down menu, and click “cartoon”.

In the dialog that appears, we have two options.
The first is “Mask Radius”, the second is “Percent black”.

Mask Radius controls the size of the areas where the filter will be applied.
A high value results in thick black areas with less detail. Small values result in more subtle strokes.

The second option which is “Percent Black” regulates the percentage of black that is added to the picture.
Small values makes the lines thinner, higher values make the lines more thick.
The best settings for this are usually in the middle.


But honestly, I find the result a little cartoonish.


Difference of gaussians

I will do only one, because I still have some place left.

The filter “Difference of gaussians” is found under the category “Edge Detect”.
This filter finds the edges between different colors in a photograph.

In this filter, we have two parameters.
“Radius 1” and “Radius 2”.

Because two Gaussian filters are applied to the picture, we need to enter two rays.
When both are equal and overlap you will hardly see any difference.

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