Office 2007 - PowerPoint

Lesson 34: Inserting Video

“Inserting “Video”:

Whether you insert a sound or a movie in your slides, there is not much difference.
Select the “Insert” tab in the “Ribbon” and click the “Movie” button.
This button also consists of two parts. When you click the upper part, you can add a movie from a file on your computer.
Click the lower part when you want to choose between “Movie from File”, or “Movie from Clip Organizer.”

In this example, I insert a movie in a slide that is on my PC, so I click the upper part of the “Movie” button.
I navigate to the place where this movie is, on my computer, select it and click “OK”.

This is exactly the same as when we inserted sound, I see a prompt here also, displaying the options of starting the video which is either “Automatically” or “When clicked”.

I select “Automatically”.
And the video clip, which is in this case, one that I’ve shot with my camera, is inserted.
The “Options” contextual tab is selected, under the “Movie Tools” in the ribbon.

Because these are all quite obvious, I will go over them, quickly.
The first option is a menu with the same options that we have already seen while inserting sound.
The second option is “Hide during show”.
The third option “Play in full screen” does what it says, i.e, it plays the movie in full screen. Note that the quality of the images can deteriorate significantly.
The fourth option, “Repeat”, also does what it says, i.e, it repeats the video until you get to the next slide.
The fifth option, “Rewind Movie After Playing” plays the movie, and rewinds the film back to the first frame and stops.

Perhaps, if you have video or sound and you do not want it audible, click the “Slideshow Volume” button and select “Mute” from the drop-down menu.

“Custom animations” Task Pane

A movie is considered as an animation, so here also, we have the “Custom animations” task pane.

However, there is a slight difference here.
Notice that when we inserted the movie and selected “Automatically” to start the animation, it is listed twice in the task pane.

The first has the icon of a “Play” button on a VCR.
The second has the icon of a “Pause” button on a VCR.

When we click on the first instance from the list, we will have the “Start” box filled with the “Start after previous” option.
This means that the movie plays automatically when we start the show.

When we select the second option in the list, there will be in the “Start” automatically “OnClick” be inserted.

Which means that when we click on the movie, the movie is paused until we click again.

Without this effect, the movie would break and start playing again and again from the beginning, when we click.
This pause effect proves its worth when you need to pause the movie during your presentation, for example when someone wants to talk about something, or other similar situations.

If we selected the “When Clicked” option when inserting our film, only the first effect would be allowed, i.e, the pause effect which is embedded in the task pane.

Change Play setting

We can also change the settings for a “Video”.
First, select the movie in the slide.
Click the “Animation” tab in the “Ribbon”.
Then click the “Custom Animation” button.
This opens the “Custom animations” task pane.
All these options are discussed in the “Audio” lesson and there is not much difference between these and the options for “Video”, so I will not go through this again.

What I have to tell you is:
1.If you had chosen the “When Clicked” option when inserting the film, you would only get the first effect, which is the pause effect, embedded in the task pane. You knew that already.
If we now change this option to “Automatic” in the “Ribbon”, then the “After previous” effect is again displayed in the task pane.

2. If you, for some reason, have selected the “When Clicked” option, when inserting the film and if you, in retrospect, change it to “With Previous” in the task pane, this will not be executed.
The optional “Animation” tab in the “Animations”, is still set to “Play only when clicked.”

You've completed Lesson 34