Office 2007 - PowerPoint

Lesson 41: Editing Slide Master

Editing the “Master Slide”

A “Slide master” consists of a “Master slide” (1) and various underlying slides (2).
If we make a change in the “Master slide”, then this change is applied to all slides in our presentation.

If we make a change to an “Underlying slide”, it will be applied to all slides in our presentation, which are developed based on this slide.  I had already told this to you in the previous lesson but as a clarification, I will give you an example.

The purpose of this example is, to insert my logo in all the slides of my presentation.

I begin with opening the “Slide Master” view.
I click the “View” tab in the “Ribbon” and select “Slide Master”.
I select the top slide, which is the “Master slide”.
Next, I click the “Insert” tab in the “Ribbon”.

I click the “Picture” button and in the “Insert Picture” dialog box that appears, I navigate to the folder where the logo is.
I select it and click the “Insert” button.


This change is applied to all slides in the presentation:

Suppose I had inserted the logo on an “Underlying slide” with the “Content with Caption” layout, then this logo would only be inserted on the slides based on this “Underlying slide”.

This is the case for all things you change or insert.
For example, if you change the layout of the Temporary “Placeholder box” from “Title” to “Master” in the “Master Slide” as red and bold, then this title would be changed to this format in all the slides in the presentation.

Remember this:
Make changes to a slide master, only if you have to change the format of multiple slides.

You've completed Lesson 41