Office 2007 - PowerPoint

Lesson 42: Slide Layouts


A new feature of “PowerPoint” 2007 is that, we can change the layout of a “Slide Master”.
In this example, I’m going to change the slide layout of the master from “Office theme” to “Content with Caption”, because I want a title above each image. If you do not know the name of the format that you want to change, right-click it in the “Normal” view and select “Layout” from the pop-up menu. The slide layout that is used for this slide is automatically displayed in orange.

Now that we know what slide layout we use for these slides, we switch to the “Slide Master” view.
To do this, click the “View” tab in the “Ribbon” and then click the “Slide Master” button.
Since we selected the slide in “Normal” view, it is automatically selected in the “Slide Master” view.

Click the “Insert Placeholder” button in the “Ribbon”.
This opens a drop-down menu with various options.
Since it is a title that I want to insert, I select the “Text” option.

Now, when we move the mouse pointer over the “Master Slide”, we see that this is changed to a cross.
Click and drag it until you’ve reached the right size for your textbox.

Automatically, it posts a standard text in the “Placeholder box’:

It doesn’t matter what text is here, since, this is not shown in the slides.
The formatting of this text in the textbox is important.
This is applied to each slide in our presentation, which uses this (“Content with Caption”) slide layout.

So we change the format of the text as we’d like to see it in our performance, such as “Red” and “Green.”
The formatting of a “Master Slide” is done in the same way, click the “Home” tab, and select “Red” and “Green” in the “Ribbon”.

Close the “Slide Master view”.
To do this, click the “Slide Master” button again and click the “Close Master View” button in the ribbon.
This brings us back to “Normal View”.

As you notice, the slides in our presentation are not automatically updated.
For this you first select the slides, right-click and select “Slide Defaults”.
This places the newly inserted “Placeholder box” in the different slides.

The only thing you need to do now is to give different titles in different types of slides.
The layout is automatically provided.

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