Office 2007 - PowerPoint

Lesson 49 : “Slideshow”

Custom “Slideshow”

We have the option of showing different versions of our presentation.
What I mean is, that we can make a “shortened” version of the original version.

For example, you have a presentation that contains slides that some staff do not have to see.
For this we can create a custom show, so that these slides will be excluded from the presentation.
You do not need to create a new slideshow.

Click the “Slideshow” tab in the “Ribbon”.
Click the “Custom Slide Show” button and then select “Custom Shows” from the menu that appears.

This opens the “Custom Show” dialog box.
Click the “New” button.

This opens a dialog box.
In this dialog box, give a suitable name for your customized version.

Select the slides you want to add on the left side of the dialog box, and click the “Add” button.

To remove a slide, select it on the right side of the dialog box and click the “Remove” button.
Click OK when you’re done.
Click the “Close” button of the first dialog box.

Now, to play this abridged version, click the “Custom slide show” button in the “Ribbon” and select the newly created version that will appear in the drop-down menu.
You can create as many customized versions as you want.

Pointer Options

With the pointer options we can, while displaying our presentation as a slide show, put emphasis on certain parts of our slides.
We do this by drawing on the slide show while it is playing.

To draw and hence emphasize certain parts of your slides, click the “Draw” button at the bottom left in your presentation.
This opens a menu where we have the option of using an “Ball-point pen”, a “Felt-tip Pen” or a “Highlighter”.

The difference between a “Ball-point pen” and a “Felt-tip pen is, that one is a bit thicker than the other.
With the “Highlighter” option, you can highlight certain parts of your slides.
Click and drag the mouse pointer around the text or object you like to highlight.

We can define a color with the “Ink Color” option.
We can erase drawn lines with the “Eraser”.
Or we can erase all the drawn lines and markings by clicking on the “Erase All ink in slide” option.

If you want to switch back to the regular mouse actions instead of drawing, click the “Draw” button again in the show, and select the “Arrow” option in the menu.

When you close the presentation, you will be asked if you want to keep these annotations.
Click “Keep” if you wish to do so.
Click “Discard” when you do not want them.

You've completed Lesson 49