Office 2007 - PowerPoint

Lesson 52: Presentations (cont…)

Sending via e-mail

Your presentation can be sent via e-mail in two ways.
One way is to click on the “Attach” button in your email program, navigate to the file, select it and click on the “Attach” button.

A second way is to send a mail directly from “PowerPoint”.
Just click the “Office” button at the top left of the application window.
Click “Send” in the pop-up menu and select “Email”.

This opens the default email program where the attachment has already been added.
The subject is already filled in, so the only thing you have to do is to enter the e-mail address of the recipient.

“Package for CD” option

When our presentation is copied to a CD and sent to those who receive the CD, they need to have the “PowerPoint” application, or at least have the “PowerPoint Viewer”.
When we select the “Package for CD” option for our presentation, this is not necessary.
A presentation can be viewed by clicking the “Office” button, clicking “Publish” in the pop-up menu and selecting the “Package for CD” option.

A dialog box appears stating that some files will be updated. Click OK.

In the next dialog box, you can enter a more appropriate name for the CD.



Click the “Add Files ..” button if you want to add multiple files, such as a second presentation.

You do not have to add Linked files, because that happens automatically.

Clicking on the “Options …” button opens a second dialog box, in which we can set some options.

In the first “Package Type” section, we have the first option, and when it is checked, it adds the “PowerPoint Viewer” to the CD.
By default, this is unchecked.

The second option in the “Package Type” section, is to choose how the presentation should be played. Clicking on the downward pointing arrow, gives you 4 options that all seem clear to me.
In the second section, “Include these files”, we have two options, “Linked files” and “Embedded TrueType fonts”.
The first seems quite obvious, the second is to be checked if you are not sure whether the fonts used in your presentation, also installed on the computer of the person you are giving the CD to.

The third section seems quite obvious.
Click the OK button.

In the next dialog box that appears mention that you’ve chosen the linked files to be included in the package.
Click the “Yes” button to confirm this.

If you haven’t yet inserted a CD in the CD writer, then you get another dialog box pointing out that you still need to insert a CD into your CD writer.

When you have done this click the “Retry” button.

All files and linked files are placed on the CD.
When the person you intended the CD for, gets it and inserts it into his CD player, it will automatically begin playing the show.
At least, it will do this, if we had selected the option in the first section of the dialog box.

Saving as a “PowerPoint presentation”

If you want the “PowerPoint presentation” to be viewed by others and you do not know whether the “PowerPoint viewer” or “PowerPoint” program installed on their computer, you can still view this as a “PowerPoint presentation”.
Just click the “Office” button, select “Save as …” and click “PowerPoint presentation”.

The file is saved with the extension .ppsx

All you have to do in order to view this presentation is to double-click this file.

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