Office 2007 - PowerPoint

Lesson 4: The Basics

“Placeholder boxes”

A “Power Point” presentation is a combination of various slides, which are used to convey information to third parties.
When we open “Power Point”, it will create a “Blank presentation”.
This presentation consists of a slide.
This can be seen on the left side of the window.

In this slide, we have two “Placeholder boxes”.
Though most of us know them as “text boxes”, there is a difference.
We will see this difference in Lesson 11.

A “temporary placeholder box” can contain, not only text, but also “Tables”, “Charts”, “SmartArt” graphics, “Photos”, “ClipArt” and “Video”.

From now on I’ll call a “temporary placeholder box” a “Placeholder box”, as this saves my fingers while typing.
You can change the dimensions of a “Placeholder box”.
Just click anywhere in the “Placeholder box”.
Move your mouse pointer over one of the handles at the edge of the “Placeholder box”.
Your mouse pointer changes into a double arrow.
Click and drag it until you’ve reached the right size.

You can move a “Placeholder box”.
To move a “Placeholder box”, hold the mouse pointer over the edge of the “Placeholder box”.
When it changes into a four-headed arrow, click and drag the “Placeholder box” to the desired position.

You can also remove a “Placeholder box”.
To remove a “Placeholder box”, click on the edge of the “Placeholder box” to select it.
This changes the edge of the “Placeholder box”, from a dotted line to a solid line.
You can now press the “Delete” key on your keyboard.

To add text to a “Placeholder box”, click the “Placeholder box” and start typing.
We can format the text, at any time.
More on the formatting of text will be discussed in the next lesson.

You can add display boxes. This will be discussed in detail in Lesson 43

“Slide Layouts”

The option “Layout” that we find under the “Home” tab, can help us to determine the position of titles, subtitles, text and content in our slide.

In “Power Point” 2007, we have nine different formats, which is much less than in previous versions of “Power Point”.

By default, the slide that is used when we create a new presentation is, a “Title Slide”.

We also have a “Title and object”.
This includes a “Placeholder box” for the title, and a “Placeholder box” for the content, which may either be text or an object .

A “Section heading Slide”.
This allows us to divide the presentation into sections, and features a “Placeholder box” which can contain a description or an overview of the section, and a “Placeholder box” for the section title.

A “Two Contents slide”.
It has a “Placeholder box” for a title, description and two text boxes for other objects.

A “Comparison Slide”.
It has a “Placeholder box” for a title, two display boxes for the content, and another two display boxes above the latter.

A “Title Only Slide”.
This has a “Placeholder box” only for the title.

A “Blank Slide”.
This is blank.

A “Content with Caption Slide”.
It has a “Placeholder box” on the right side for text and objects.
And on the left, it has a “Placeholder box” for the title, and a “Placeholder box” for, probably, a description.

And an “Image with caption Slide”.
This has an “image box”, a title box and a text box where we describe the image.

“Slide Layout” and the corresponding “Placeholder boxes” can help you maintain a consistency between the various “Slides”.

You've completed Lesson 4