Office 2007 - Excel

Lesson 26: Conditional Formatting (cont…)

26/83 Lessons 

Top / Bottom Rules

We have “Top/Bottom Rules” which is new in “Excel 2007”, and also rules for “Top 10 items”, “Top 10%”, “Bottom 10 items”, “Bottom 10%”, “Above Average” and “Below average “.

I think this is clear, I can only mention that in the dialog box that appears, with the exception of “Above Average” and “Below Average”, you can still set the quantity and it does not depend on the Top 10 … or the Bottom 10.

Also, “Top / bottom Rules” has the Live Preview option.

“Data bars”

“Data bars” compare the value of the cell, with the other values in the range, and place colored bars in the cell.
To add “Data bars”, we first select the range, and choose “Style”, “Conditional Formatting”, “Data Bars” in the “Home” tab in the “Ribbon”.
By default, we have six colors from which we can choose.
When we move the mouse pointer over a color, it also shows a Live preview in our “Worksheet”.

The highest value is represented by the longest colored bar.
The width of the beam is eqaul to the width of the column.
When we choose “More rules” at the bottom of the menu, will opens the “New Formatting Rule” dialog, where we can set various options.
For example we have the option to display only the beams without their value.
When you move your mouse over a layout in the drop-down menu (1), you can see the result immediately in the “Worksheet”.
So by moving the mouse over the different layout options will show you a preview for each option from which you can make a selection.

“Color scales”

“Color Scales” are similar to “Data bars” used to compare the values of a cell, with the other values in the range.
To add “Color scales” first select the range, and choose “Conditional Formatting” – “Color scales” in the “Home” tab in the “Ribbon”.
By default, we have eight colors.
The upper four consist of a two color scale, the lower four out of a three-color scale.
When we move the mouse pointer over a color, it also shows a Live preview in our “Worksheet”.
Clicking on “More rules ..” opens the “New Formatting Rule” dialog where we also find different options.
Clicking on the format buttons, we can enter the value of a cell, instead of a “Lowest value” or “Highest value”.
If we modify the contents of the cell, then “Color Scale” also changes.

Icon Sets

Here also we have same commands.

  • Live Preview
  • “More rules”
  • Bla bla bla …

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