Office 2007 - Excel

Lesson 41: Charts

41/83 Lessons 

Creating Charts

To add a chart first select the data that we want to insert in our graph.
Once the data is selected, click the “Insert” tab in the “Ribbon”.
In the “Ribbon” we find different types of graphs.

Depending on the data you want to incorporate into your chart, different types of charts are available.
Click the icon and it shows a drop-down menu.
To insert a chart, click the chart in the drop-down menu.

This places the chart in the middle of the “Worksheet”.

Format Chart

When we have made a chart, and when it is selected in the “Worksheet”, three additional tabs appear in the “Ribbon”.

These tabs provide us with all the commands that we need for formatting the layout of our graph.

For example, if a chart is created it will be displayed by default.
We have the “Legend” which shows the values for an axis on the right, and the categories axis is shown with the titles of categories at the bottom, which are months in the following example.

We can also add a tittle to the charts, include tables and move the “Legend” up, right, or bottom.

Instead of doing this manually, we can make use of the above Chart Layout.

Click the downward arrow, and a pop-up menu with different formats appears.

For example, the first will add a title to our chart.

Another lay-out will add an intermediate data table to our graph.

All these predefined formats can save us some time but, if you wish, you can add or remove items yourself.

Try all these options, you can always go back with the “Undo” button in “Quick access” toolbar to return to previous designs.

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