Office 2007 - Excel

Lesson 63: Sorting and Filtering

63/83 Lessons 

Sorting Data

The “PivotCharts” are done, but we continue with the sorting of data.
To sort the data in a column, select a cell in this column, and click the button “Sort A to Z” or “Sort Z to A”.
Make sure that there are no blank rows in the column you want to sort.
These buttons can be found in the “Data” tab of the ribbon.

We will see the simplest way of sorting, in the following example.

Sort by different columns or conditions

In Excel, we can also sort by multiple columns or conditions.
Select the first cell in the table.
Click the “Sort” button in the “Data” tab in the “Ribbon”.
This opens the “Sort” dialog, which display a level by default.

By clicking on the downward pointing arrow, open a drop-down menu where we all find our column titles.
Choose a column title you want to sort.

The second box “Sort by” allows us to choose the type of sort.
Select “Values” if you want to sort text, numbers, date and time.
If you want to sort on the formatting, you can choose one of the other options: “Cell Color”, “Font Color”, or “Cell Icon.”

In the third section, we choose the sort order, there are different choices here depending on the data in the field that you have chosen.
Is this text, you can sort from “A to Z”, “Z to A” and “Custom List”.
If they are numbers, you can sort them “from small to large”, “From large to small”, and “Custom List”.
If this is a date or time, you can sort by “” Old to New “or ” New to old “, and” Custom List “.

If you want to add an additional field, click the “Add Level” button at the top of the dialog.
If you wish to copy a level, click the “Copy Level” button at the top of the dialog.
If you wish to remove a level , select the level, and click the “Delete Level” button at the top of the dialog.
You can change the level by clicking the arrows “UP” or “Down”.
Remember, the first one in the list is executed first.

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