Office 2007 - Excel

Lesson 40: Windows

40/83 Lessons 

“Freeze Panes”

When we work with a lot of information in our “Worksheet”, it may become very lengthy and extensive.
If we scroll down or right we can not read the titles.
We have the possibility to lock these rows and columns with the option “freeze panes”.
We find “Freeze panes” under the “View” tab in the “Ribbon”.
A pop-up menu appears with three options:

  1. Freeze Panes
  2. Freeze Top row
  3. Freeze first column

The first option, “Freeze panes”, is the same as in earlier versions of “Excel”.
Select a cell in the “Worksheet”, and all rows above plus and all columns to the left of the selected cell are locked while scrolling.
If you want to lock only the 1st row, you have to select cell A2.
If you want to lock column A, you can select cell B1.

In “Excel 2007”, this is made a little easier with the other two options.
Select a cell and click the “Freeze Top row” option.

Then Excel will lock the top row.
Click the “Freeze First column” option, then Excel will lock the first column.

To unlock click the “View”->”Freeze panes” and select “Unfreeze panes”

Split Screen

Another way to look at different areas in our spreadsheet is to “split” the window.
The “Split” is found in the “View” tab in the “Ribbon”, under “Window”.
The window will split to the left and above the selected cell.

The difference between “Panes” and “Split” is that when you split a window, three of the four windows have its own scroll bars.
This allows you to view different areas of the worksheet at the same time.

You can change the split by clicking and dragging the bars.
To remove the split click the “Window” button again and select the “Split” option.

A second way to split a window, by clicking and dragging with skid bars.
These are the vertical and horizontal bars at the top right and bottom right of the scroll bars.

To remove these, you can double-click the inserted bar.

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