Office 2007 - Excel

Lesson 31: Functions

31/83 Lessons 

What are Functions?

Functions are pre-defined formulas which perform operations with one or more values in the correct sequence.
The most commonly used formulas are “SUM” and “AVERAGE”, but there are a lot more.
I will cover a few, as part of this course and there are a number of functions I still do not know.

We have the “Formulas” tab in the “Ribbon”.

All functions are placed in different categories, under the “Formulas” tab in the “Ribbon”.

First we have the “Auto sum” category.
In this category we have functions like:
“Sum”, which calculates the sum of the selected range.
“Average”, which calculates the average of the selected range.

“Count numbers”, which calculates the numbers in the selected range.
“Max”, gives the maximum value from the selected range.
“Min”, gives the minimum value from the selected range.

Below the “Auto sum” category, we find the “Recently used”.
When we click it, it displays a list of the top ten functions which are most recently used.
Under the “Financial” category, we find a list of financial functions and accounting functions.
Under the “Logical” category we find the logical functions.
For example if you want to compare values, you have to do it in this category.
We also have the “Text’ category.
In this category, there are a lot of functions.
“Date and time” functions, we use this when we want to perform operations with dates.
In the “Lookup and references” we have functions on data analysis.
In the “Math & Trig” and “More functions” we havefunctions that are used by engineers, etc., and these are beyond this course.

“Insert functions”

To insert a function, we first select the cell where the function is to be inserted.
Only then we click the “Insert function” in the “Ribbon”.
For example, I want the total of my sales in cell E8.
I first select the cell, and then click the button “Auto sum” in the “Ribbon”.
Excel instantly suggests the cells to select, for this function.
Click the Enter key on your keyboard if you agree with this.
The sum of the cells is displayed immediately.

In the formula bar we can now see the input function = SUM (E2: E7).

If you are not satisfied with the selection that Excel suggested, you can always modify the selected range.
1. by moving the mouse pointer and click and drag over the cells you want to summerize, or
2. by dragging the corners of the blue box around the Range or
3. by manually typing the range between the parentheses in the formula.

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