Office 2007 - Excel

Lesson 28: Formulas (cont…)

28/83 Lessons 

“Auto Calculation”

Whether we are working with a large or small spreadsheet, sometimes we may need to know the sum or the average of certain rows or number of columns in our spreadsheet.
Instead of typing the formula, we can use Excel’s “Auto Calculation”.

For example, if you want to calculate the “Sum” and “Average” and “Count” of a range, select that range in the worksheet, and the “Sum”, “Average”, and the “Count” are automatically shown in the “Status bar”.

By default, the “Average”, “Sum” and “Count” are displayed.

If you right-click on the status bar, a menu will be displayed  where these three are selected by default.

If you want to add or delete more commands, click the command and check it or uncheck it.

Range names

If you do not know what a range is and how to select it, read Lesson 12 again.
Select the range and give an appropriate name in the Name box, and click Enter.
Or you can use the “Formulas” tab in the “Ribbon”, click the “Define Name” button.
This opens the “New Name” dialog box, where we can give a suitable name for our range.
Range names can not contain spaces, and Range names must start with a letter, then you can type numbers.

In the second section, we select the scope, whether we want to use the entire “Workbook”, or just a “Worksheet”.
In the ‘Comment’, you can optionally insert a comment for the Range.
And in the bottom box, our range is already filled in.
Click OK.

We can give tittle to our range.

For example, you select B2 to B8, and click the “Create from selection” button, give the name of our title for the Excel range.
For example in the above case “Jan” .

When you click on the downward pointing arrow, right next to the name box, you see the newly entered name will appear.

Navigate between the different range names

To navigate between the different range names in our “Workbook”, we use the downward pointing arrow, right next to the name box. And click on the desired range.

Or click on the “Find and Select” button in the “Home” tab of the “Ribbon”, and select ” Go to … “.
In the dialog box that appears, select the range name and click OK.

Name Manager.

To delete Range Names, click the “Name Manager” button in the “Formulas” tab of the “Ribbon”.

Select the range name in the “Name Manager” dialog, and click the “Delete” button.
Choose Yes to confirm.

In the “Name Manager” window we can change our ranges.
Click “Edit”, this shows the “Edit Name” dialog, where we can adjust the settings.
Click the OK button when you’re done.

And we have the “Filter” as the last option in the “Name Manager” dialog box .
These options seem all clear to me.

You've completed Lesson 28