Office 2007 - Excel

Lesson 74: Interting SmartArt and Text Boxes

74/83 Lessons 

Inserting “SmartArt”

SmartArt graphics is a new feature in “Excel 2007”.
We use “SmartArt” graphics to communicate our message quickly and easily .

SmartArt graphics, are found in “Word 2007”, “PowerPoint 2007” and “Outlook 2007”.
We add a “SmartArt” graphics by clicking on the “SmartArt” button in the “Insert” tab.
This opens the “Choose a SmartArt graphic” dialog.

This dialog box is divided into three parts.
The left part shows the different categories available.
The middle part shows us the different layouts of the selected category.
And the right part shows us a description of the selected layout.

Choose a category in the left part, choose a style in the middle section, and click OK in the right part.
This adds a “SmartArt’ to our worksheet.
We have two tabs in the “SmartArt Tools” section.
“Design” and “Format”.
The commands in the “Design” tab and the “Format”tab, have the Live Preview option.
To add text, highlight the text in the text panel and insert the text you want and click the Enter key on your keyboard.
It adds new blank row where you can type the text.
Use the Tab and Shift+Tab to divide the text to titles or subtitles.
To delete text, select that part of the “SmartArt”, and click the Delete key on your keyboard.

Inserting a “Text Box”

A text box is an object that is used to highlight text.
View a text box as a container.
To add a text box select the “Insert” tab in the “Ribbon” and click the “Text box” button.
If we now move the mouse over our worksheet, this seems like an upside down cross.
Click and drag the mouse pointer until the desired size of the text has been reached.
To format the text we use the WordArts in the “Format” tab, or we can use the options in the “Home” tab in the “Ribbon”.

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