Office 2007 - Word

Lesson 16: Building Blocks

16/57 Lessons 

What are building blocks

New in Word 2007 are building blocks.
Buiding blocks are preformatted elements you can insert into a document.
Examples of building blocks, can be taken from the gallery or headers and footers.

For example, if you wish to add a pre-formatted cover sheet to your document, choose the tab “Insert” in the ribbon, and click the downward pointing arrow next to the “Cover page”.
This opens a list of all preformatted cover sheets.
Click the cover page you want.
Once the sheet is inserted, you can enter a title, a subtitle, a little information about the author, and a date, if you wish.

Another example of building blocks are the headers or footers.

Clicking on the header or footer opens a menu where we can be sure we find a header and footer that fits our front page.

Just click on the header or footer you want to put in your document.




Other types of building blocks are “Page Numbers”, ” Text boxes “,”Signatures “,” Date and time” etc.
Building blocks can save you time and reduce the number of errors in frequently used data.
Building blocks makes it easier to update all this information.

Making Building blocks

Now we know what building blocks are, we can create one.
I have a text which has to be placed in each sheet. Instead of typing and formatting this text over and over again, it’s easier to create a building block for this. For this you have to go to “Quick Parts”.
Select the tab “Insert” in the ribbon.
Select the text you want to be repeated.
Click the button “Quick Parts” and choose “Save Selection to Quick Part Gallery …”

This opens the dialog “Create New Building Block.”
In the top box give a name for your module.
In the second box, choose a gallery where you want to place this module.
In the third box, choose a category. Possibly you can create a new category, but in this case it meets the category “General”.
In the next box you can enter a description.
In the box “Save in:” choose which directory you want to save the module in.

And in the last box “Options”, choose the way your text is to be inserted.
“Only content”, in the “own page”, or in its “own paragraph”.

Only content for this example is good, so I clicked OK

Now this module is in our gallery.
To use this, open a new document.
Select the location in your document where you want to insert the newly created module.
Again choose the tab “Insert” in the ribbon and click the button “Quick Parts”.
In the menu that appears you will see the newly created module.
Click the Building Block to insert it.

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