Office 2007 - Word

Lesson 29: Tables (cont 2…)

29/57 Lessons 

Inserting Formulas

In Word, we have the ability to perform calculations in our table.
For this we use formulas.
To insert a formula in our table, first select the cell containing the formula you want to insert, and then click the “Formula” in the contextual tab “Layout” from the Table Tools.

This opens the dialog “Formula”:

In the upper section of the dialog we type in the formula.
As an aside:
For those of us who are accustomed to working with Excel, know that columns include letters, A – B – C, etc., and rows include numbers, 1 – 2 – 3 etc.
And the point of intersection of a column with a row of is called a cel.
For example, in the image above the cell D2 is highlighted in red.

For those who have never worked with Excel, will now know how it works.

I want to calculate the number of the product with the price. So I multiply cell B2 with cell C2.
When you type in a formula you must always begin with equal sign (=).
So I type =B2*C2.
In the second section of the dialog box, choose a number format.
And click the OK button.
Repeat for cells D3 and D4.
In cell D5 I want the total of all parent cells.
So first I select cell D5, and click the “Formula” in the ribbon.
When you select cell below a column of numbers, automatically the formula = SUM (ABOVE) proposed.
Should this not be the case with you, you can always type the formula.

If the cursor is in the left or right columns with numbers , it would automatically propose the formula =SUM(LEFT) or

Choose a number format, and click OK.

If you wish to quickly add a row or a column to count, you can always use the button “SUM”  .
Place this button in the toolbar “Quick Access” when you make frequent use of summations in Word.
How to go about doing this you have already seen in Lesson 3 of this course.

You've completed Lesson 29