Office 2007 - Word

Lesson 11: Text Formatting (cont 4…)

11/57 Lessons 

Control Options

You’ve probably noticed that some errors get restored automatically when typing, and others where there appears a red wavy line under the word.

And sometimes no green wavy lines appear.

This is because we can set these options ourselves.

Just click the Office button on the top left of the window.

Click the button at the bottom, “Word Options”.

This opens the dialog “Word Options”.

Choose the tab “Proofing” on the left of the dialog.

In this dialog we have a lot of options that we can set.

At the top we find “AutoCorrect Options”.

More about the AutoCorrect options in Lesson 12.

But let me first explain the rest of the options in this tab.

Section: “When correcting spelling in Microsoft Office programs”

The first box “Ignore words in UPPERCASE” is checked by default. However, if you wish that Word ignores this then you check this box by clicking it.

It is the same for box two and three. The second is for words with number and the third for Internet and file addresses.

When the next box is checked, an error appears when we have typed a word twice.

The next box is perhaps useful when working with French texts. You can specify whether uppercase letters without accents in the spelling as spelling errors should be displayed.

And the last part of the upper section, is where you do not want words that are not included in the main dictionary as misspelled are highlighted. Since this does not apply let this box remain unchecked.

The last box is “French Modes: Traditional and new spellings” should be ticked if you want to check spelling of French text using the new spelling rules.

Section: “When Correcting spelling and grammar in Word”.

The first box “Check Spelling as You Type”, when this is checked, if you have mistyped a word immediately Word will red underline it.

For the second box, you should know that the Word spell checker can only find and mark on contextual spelling errors. Have you ever typed a mistake as in the following example?

Their I will see you.

Disable this option when you do this kind of error because it is easier to find and correct.

The third and fourth box should be ticked if you want to check the grammar.

The option “Show Readability Statistics” box displays Word 2007 after a review of grammar writing style and readability.

And finally we have the “Write Style” that we can set.

And the last setion is “Exceptions for:”.

These two check boxes which need no further explanation, refer only to the open file.

Click OK when you finish the settings.



In Word, we have different types of fonts.

By changing a font, we will revise the “look” of our document.

The Font button is found under the tab “Home” of the ribbon.

Click on the downward pointing arrow, if you want to change the font.
This gives us a list of all fonts that are installed on our computer.
When we move our mouse pointer over a font, then the selected text in our document will immediately been shown in this font. You do not have to click a font to see an example.
This is new in Word 2007, and is called Live Preview.
I think its a big improvement.
If you want to use the font, click the font.

Same for the font size, click the downward pointing arrow and click the size you wish. The option character features Live Preview.

The remaining buttons in the Font group are actually all clear and need little explanation.
Right of the box with the character we find the buttons “Grow Font” and “Shrink Font”.

In addition to that, we have the button “Clear Formatting”, this clears the formatting from the selected cell. Quite logical.
Among them we find the buttons “Bold, Italic, Underline, Subscript and Superscript, Change Case, Text Highlight Color, and Text Color”.
All these seem to be clearly.
The “Capitalization” can sometimes come in handy when you have the “Caps Lock” key on your keyboard is off.

If you wish to do the different formatting options at once, click the right pointing arrow next to the group “Font”.
This opens a dialog where you have different settings where you can enter text.


When we have a certain format for a text set, it may sometimes happen that we want to apply formatting to other text in our document.

For this we do not have to perform all these actions again, but we use the “Format Painter” in the ribbon, under the tab “Home”. .



For this, first select the text for which you want to copy and format and click the button “Format Painter” in the ribbon.
Now, when you move the mouse pointer on our document, you see that this has turned into a brush with a vertical bar.
Click and drag it over the text you want to apply the formatting to. Release the mouse button when you already have the text selected.

Once you have let go of the mouse you can paste this format anywhere.
Would you like to do the formatting of text to be pasted at different parts of your document, double click the button “Format Painter”.
Then this function remains appropriate, click again to see the button “Format Painter”.

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