Photoshop - CS2 - CS3

Lesson 19: Color Corrections (5)

19/85 Lessons 


A more complex way of carrying out color corrections is by the use of “Levels”.
To open the “Levels” dialog box we click “Image” – “Adjustments” – “Levels” … in the menu bar.

In this dialog we have two sections, the “Input Level” and “Output Level”.
The “Output Level” section is not much we begin to perform color corrections.
The “Output Level” section has only a black value (0) on the left and a white value on the right. (255)
Perhaps the only thing that lets the picture more transparent is to possibly relocate some text.

“Input Level” section on the other hand still has a “Gama-value”, in other words, the midtones.
To make color corrections varies from picture to picture, but by changing the values of the three boxes or by dragging with the different buttons, we can make changes to the black, white and midtone colors. Which leads to a result that is much better.

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