Photoshop - CS2 - CS3

Lesson 33: Photo Editing (2)

33/85 Lessons 

Patch tool

With the “Patch” tool, we can replace a selection of all the pixels by a different part of the picture.
Even by a pattern.
The “Patch” tool is located under the “Spot Healing Brush” tool.

As an example, I have a picture of a face that contains lumps or pimples or what not on the left.
By making use of the patch tool, we can eliminate all these in one go.
Select the “Patch” tool in the toolbox.
Select “Source” (source) in the options bar.
Why “Source”? Because I will drag a selection from the source.

Click and drag the mouse pointer around the place that you want to replace.

Release the mouse button when you have made your selection.
Then drag the selected part of the picture to the place where you want to replace the selection.

In the selected area on the left you will see an example of what it will be like when you release the mouse button.
Release the mouse button. At last!

The lumps are gone.
Is this a good solution to your photo editing? I think not.
Much remains to be updated with the Healing Brush tool, but this was just one example of how easily you can change a whole selection at once.

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