Photoshop - CS2 - CS3

Lesson 84: Panorama foto’s maken (CS3)

84/85 Lessons 

Load files into stack – Load Photos in layers

What we do in these classes is to make photographs adhere to each other with a panorama.
What we first do is to load all the photos in their own layer, then we automatically align (Autoalign) and then blend (Autoblend).
So when I talk about “AutoAlign” or “Auto Blend”, you know what I’m talking about.

First we load all the photos in their own layer.
You could do this by clicking and dragging, but this would take a while to complete.
In Photoshop CS3, we have a command: “Load files into stack”.
Click “File” – “Scripts” – “Load Files into Stack” … in the menu bar.
This opens the dialog “Load Layers”:

Click the “Browse” button, select the photos you want to upload and click OK.
Leave both the checkboxes at the bottom of the dialog box untouched.
And click OK.
Photoshop will automatically start loading each image into its own layer.

AutoAlign – Automatically align

Then we will align all the pictures in all the layers.
All layers must be selected.
So click “Select” – “All Layers” in the menu bar.
Then click “Edit” – “Auto-Align Layers” in the menubar.
In the window that appears, we have four choices.
I choose the third option, Cylindrical, but you must decide what is best for you.
Click OK.
Photoshop starts to align the different layers.
If you have a slow computer this may take some time.

When it finishes, you have something on your screen and you see the layers.

We will then blend these pictures a little better, because frankly, even I had done this better manually.

Auto Blend – Automatic overflow

Select all the layers back.
Click on “Edit” – “Auto-Blend Layers” in the menu bar.
Photoshop starts its work.
As you see in the image below, Photoshop has added a mask for each layer and modified the color differences between the layers.

Alternatively you can update the masks in the layers a little, by selecting the mask and signing with black or white using the brush tool.
This way you can show more from one picture and less from the other.
This is also different for each image, so I will not say more on this.

If you are happy, then you can finally “Cropp” your image.
Select the “Crop” Tool, make your selection and press Enter on your keyboard.

That’s it.

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